Thursday, July 16, 2009

The breakthrough...

....Obstacles come your way and reactions of various types block your way - its the breakthrough factor that counts.

'Every behaviour of yours is a reflection of the 'principles' you have set in your lives'. I quite believe in that. You need to constantly be aware of the principles that govern your life. And your beliefs. You can chose to be negative, or you can chose to be positive. You can let situations impact you or you can chose to take control of the situations. Often times 90-10 rule helps. 10% of life is made up of what happens to you (on which you have NO control). But, 90% of life is decided by how you react (which only YOU control). How very true.

My boss told me about the 90-10 rule and ever since then he has given me situations where I could implement it. I am glad he took time off to make me understand the apply it in my life. It works. try it out.


Unknown said...

Welcome back.....writing may be on the back burner for now....keep the spark alive....90/10 or 80/20-life will always be what you make of's our choice....and God's grace.....

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