Tuesday, March 11, 2008


All shifting done and am home finally – it is a great feeling to see your dreams materializing. The open spaces, the feel of breeze, the flickering lights on the highway visible from the terrace, the sound of the tennis ball tapping in the court early in the morning, the open sky…have waited long to get here, real long I must say. It has just been all about TIME. There is a certain sense of satisfaction that prevails…interestingly, which is what you live for and sometimes die for. I will not talk about this more…it is a feeling that I want to enjoy to the fullest and not dilute by talking about.

Although, there is a big price in terms of time that I am paying…man, driving almost 80 kms a day is not funny. The time I spend is almost about an hour and a half…initial days and I am enjoying the long drive, the conversations on phones, catching up with lot of people that I wasn’t in touch with, and listening to a LOT of music!
And time reminds me of an interesting conversation that I had with a friend..and so a question that frames up in mind - Is it time that decides if we like someone or get close to someone? Can we like someone instantly? Or does time play a role there...with time you learn more about the person and then like him/her? I will leave you with this thought...


Impressionist said...

whoa! U drive 80 kms everyday?
hmmm.. but then nothing is greater than one's happiness and satisfaction!
If u love it then its good! :)

And yes, I strongly feel that TIME plays a major role in building a relation.


Unknown said...

Home, sweet home-thrilled thet you are where you wanted to be.
God-the amount of driving you do.....not funny at all-safe journeys,my friend.
Time-the one constant inconstant....am still learning time management-results still poor.
Relations and time-interesting thought that-well, we all can like someone instantly....but to keep liking that person-day in ,day out,time after time,with all the accompanying niggles.....needs both QUALITY TIME as well as QUANTITY OF TIME. Like wine, great relations get better with the passage of time

Sakshi said...

80 kms a day...shoot!!! Here in Bangalore one can't even dream of doing that.. 80 kms here mean some 5-6 hrs on road! But good you are enjoying it...i hope you continue doing that :) But take care of your back... it might get stressed because of excess driving.

On time and relations I agree with Sanjeev... you can surely like someone instantly...in fact that's what we do most of the times (guts and vibes and all that jazz) and basis that we decide how much time we want to give to whom.. But yes it sure takes time to 'really' get close to someone...to know someone!