Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Mili!

Just a matter of time, my dear doll…
Chapattis and dal replaced Cerelac.
Nappies changed to frilly panties,
Sandals and sports shoes replaced the mittens and soft shoes,
‘Mmmm’ (an effort to say Mom) changed to “Mommy, don’t talk to me’ and ‘Mumma, I love you’,
…and you turned four! Happy birthday Mili and god bless you! Mumma loves you.

I was working today and ask me how I hate it. My angel’s big day and am not there with her. Here I am dedicating a posty to her on her 4th birthday….

Yesterday evening, I and bhabhi went to the market..though we were dead tired after the Havan, followed by lunch and dinner for the entire family…bought Mishi a cycle and two pink dresses for her big day. There shall be a big party next Saturday for her.

Today morning, Manish took her to adventure park with her cousins and then a Mac Donald’s treat. Evening, Mommy and Aawargi (Mishi’s favorite Maasi) should reach by 6.30 to cut her cake. Divsy Maasi felt bad at not being able to make it today and JLO Maasi wished her with an sms…(sometimes that’s the way it is…), tony maasi and kuhu and sara sang a birthday song for her…and so did mommy at exactly 5.15 pm..the time she was born..shouting her lungs out while driving back home. Nan, nani from Goa, dad, dadi from New friends colony, Bhabhi as usual making sure she had a rocking time the whole day..all wished her loads of happiness. Doc messaged her his good wishes and so did her otherr BIG fan…asking me to send the bills of whatever I shopped for her today. Thanks a million folks.

Finally….Clichéd by now but my favorite lines that I always sing for my little princess…and I will do it yet again….

You are my heart,
You are my soul,
Oh I love you Mili…
You have blessed my life,
With your little soul,
Oh I love you Mili.

You are my heart,
You are my soul,
Oh Papa loves you Mili,
You have blessed our lives,
With your little soul,
Oh Papa loves you Mili.
Darling, may you grow up to be a beautiful human being…full of compassion and love for everyone around!


Anonymous said...

The bills will be cleared only if I get a confirmation that Milli was taken to the market to shop/pick/eat & have fun with anything she wanted. I will check with her. ;-)
I hope she has the most amazing b'day party on saturday. & don't worry Monk... with you there to guide her, she will grow up to be a gem of a human being. I am sure.

Kshitiz Anand said...

Happy birthday to Milli!
I am sure with you around she will be a great human being.
Wishing all the world's happiness to her!
Warm Regards!

Sakshi said...

Great post...and happy b'day to Mili...God bless her! I hope she grows up to be just what you said...just like you :)

Impressionist said...

its really sad to go to work on ur baby's b'day!
anyway, belated b'day wishes to mili!


That was it... said...

Murari - Done deal..ab tum cheque book taiyaar rakhna...Mili goes shopping soon. :-)

Kshitij - Thanks a lot for your wishes.Amen.

Sakshi - Thanks a lot and I hope she does not become like me.

Impressionist - Thanks a is music going on? Me hooked on 'The Reason' by hoobastank these dayz...

hello world..thank you very much...have passed on the wishes.

Impressionist said...

Music classes going good! how've u been?
The reason was one of my fav track!
I still love it! :)
Listen to Ache by James Carrington!
Wonderful track! U will love this one if u love slow tracks!


Unknown said...

Belated happy birthday ,dear Mishi.Hey Laura,my fault entirely that I missed on call as DMO again on Saturday-would love to speak to Mishi & should do that unless God decrees it otherwise-have a blast with your angel

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mili.

This one is for you, mommy:

That was it... said...

hey thanks...and yeah I love this song..

~mE said...

aww..what a sweet sure her eyes will be filled with tears when she reads this 15 yrs down the line :))

That was it... said...

thanks Sharanya...I hope the blog stays until then.