Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Back at work - the best place for me...I love my work place and I love my people here..the way they greeted me was simply out of this world...small gestures mean so much..you feel good when you find someone waiting for you, when you know someone missed you, when you see the excitement in their eyes....life couldn't be any better if you have people who love you...

and now the nasty side...

something that I wrote sometime back..just saw it in my drafts folder in the inbox

..sometimes you just want to scream and shout and get away by saying everything dirty to people who you think have not been the way you would want to, with you. When you are done with it, you realise what a stupid thing you did.
As if they understood.
As if you meant it.
As if you cared.
As if it would solve any purpose.
As if it would change anything in your life.
As if life stops.
As if the world falls down.

Everything does not happen the way you want it - and that's something I quite understand.


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back. If life happened the way we want it to happen, we would stop feeling alive. It is a constant fight between how we want things to be and how they actually are.