Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dramatic Zing

This is crazy – when I think of all the times when I would have been damn too drunk to just blabber anything that came to my mind or when I see people taking a pity on themselves….and telling others how hell broke on them…I just wonder why do they do that and why do I do it…

I cannot begin to forgive myself for all those times when I drink like a fish and picture my life as an arena with some melodramatic events, nasty falls, and the tragic telltales. They sound so custom-made and clichéd and wacky. Rather offbeat…

The moment I am back in senses, I wonder if there is something abnormally wrong with me – why do I see a larger than life image of myself whenever I am not with a sane mind? Why does the marathon image seem the only object of consideration when sanity is far off, watching and laughing at you?

Perhaps it’s the image of you within you, which you hide and don’t want to reflect out to anyone. Probably there is a weaker you inside everyone. Probably that’s an attention-seeking tactics which you think works very well. But why would you seek attention from people by only showing yourself to be weak, and torn, and ripped apart by circumstances…people want to tell you how they have experienced the deepest of pains…and how they think their pains are more than your..and how you think you are more pained than the others…very amusing but the truth…the fact remains though that each one of us, in our vicious circles of tragedies and mishaps, are pained all boils down to how to take it and how you deal with it. May everyone have the strength to bear the pains of their lives and live on. Amen.


Anonymous said...

The state of mind seems sooooo sooooooo familiar. The only difference being I go into the silence zone once alcohol takes over.

The tragedies of life getting the better of you after a few drinks, I feel is basically a part of our inherent desire to get attention from those around us. We think that our individual life is probably the most turbulant of all. We tend to forget that every human being has his or her own cross to bear.

Strength or no strength. One has to bear the pains of being alive just as one enjoys the pleasures of being alive.