Friday, August 28, 2009

Step into my shoes...

"Step into my shoes and then see things" - how often have we heard this. Pretty much every time when we have a disconnect with others. What does it really mean? Change roles and see things from other's perspective. Well, right.

Not really easy. To step into someone else's shoes, you gotta take out your own first. Which essentially means you need to leave your comfort, ego, perceptions, thoughts and expressions to be able to relate to what the other person is feeling or thinking to trying to say. Do we listen? Do we understand? Do we make an effort? Been thinking...

More often than not, we try to step into other's shoes wearing our own - which rather than helping the other person almost suffocates him/her. We try to get into their situations with all of our perceptions and thoughts and ifs and buts...resulting in a total chaos for self and them. Wish we operated differently...

P.S: Mili's red pair that I absolutely love - I wish I coud step into these :)


Unknown said...

Shoes never looked better....stepping into each others shoes - difficult at the best of times.......try to do that myself often enough because of the deaths that I come across...never easy

Nate said...

I appreciate these thoughts, many times we have to humble ourselves and really relate to what others are going through before we make snap judgments. Many times we feel problems other people have are easy fixes but when it comes to our issues they aren't easy otherwise we wouldn't have them.

ButtonGirl said...

I wanna know why your last post was two years ago!!!... I'm just saying... throwing it out there...I think you need to grace us with your words again...

ButtonGirl said...

I wanna know why your last post was two years ago!!!... I'm just saying... throwing it out there...I think you need to grace us with your words again...

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