Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pictures from jaipur

Last week I was in Jaipur - some glimpses of the time spent there...

That;s Nu-Nu baby (my customer) standing with those royal rajasthani gaurds in City Palace.

I loved this pigeon...waiting in anticipation probably...

Awww..that's my dear friend Celeste and me..I love her..she is adorable..we are looking forward to going to Agra while she is here. An italian by origin, she settled in Australia. Her son, Marcus, is a dashing little guy. Its amazing to hear her say 'Chuuuup raho..."

Celeste again...:-) striking a pose for me...

Nua...the pretty one with those pretty flowers...

Some israeli couple...asked me to click them...i did but then i clicked the guy alone too for he seemed so much into what he was listening too...