Christmas time - hardly so for us in India - you go elsewhere and there is festivity in the air. Each and every place looks decked up with christmas trees and goodies all over. I remember my tenure in Japan during Christmas - I never felt like going back home to the suburb 'Urayasu' to be with myself alone in that glassy apartment, with only video cassettes to give me some company, and the view outside my drawing room window - the snow slowly covering else with so much of whiteness and chill around. But while returning from work, I would always spend 2-3 hours in the mall, just to feel the festive moods of people. BTW, none of the Japanese as far as I know are Christians, but it used to be amazing to see their spirits so high...great wines, great gifts, colors, dazzles...
Was good to see traces of festivity in the society here where I live. There were some folks, playing guitar and singing christmas carols - was fun to watch them from the balcony, but only until the time mili screamed to go down to Santa Claus. She was delighted to see the guy in red, all smiles and dancing away to glory. Good way of ending the weekend. The last three days passed by in a jiffy - I hardly remember a time to myself, except for the long drives to-and-fro (Gurgaon to Noida). But I guess I love driving...never felt the pain of the distance really, as long there are some good numbers playing...and then, there is so much to think about in life...
Friday was crazy - it took me almost 45 minutes to get out of the state that I was in...shucks, no boozing for me ever now. Promise myself. But, it was fun talking and making confessions of a lifetime, though I wonder if it was what I felt that moment or a truth. People surprise me. And that reminds me, I have to prove something. Is it always necessary to prove what is not correct? I guess not. Good. So far, so good.
And the best is yet to come - my little one knows her favourites now.
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite song 1: Chanda Chamke
Favourite song 2: Fana
Great going, sweetheart - your growing up amazes me.
..and the bestest for the weekend - the thoughtfulness you showed like you always do, Divsy. Thanks, will cherish it forever. I don't know if you will ever read my blog, but you made my day...I can't thank you enough for the lovely move me everytime...when I saw it, I had tears in my eyes...tears for the feeling behind...I am sure mili will have lots of tales to hear from you always....
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