Monday, December 04, 2006

LiFe AnEW...

My life is such a statement of my hopes and despairs,
But nothing really matters just as long as you are there,
So I lean on you...
...every end has a new beginning to itself - with years passing by, enriching my experience with this 'oh-so-true' cliched line has become more of a habit than anything else. I am beginning to realize that nothing is forever - even your own emotions. Time is a crucial factor that changes or surpasses or subsides so many of your emotions as well as relationships. Sounds bitter, does it? Well, facts are often bitter. Just yesterday, my life seemed to be that of a neurotic idiot, who had loved and lost everything in life.
But today is a new day. The sun shines brighter than ever. Clear blue skies. The chill seems so familiar. Excitements of all sorts. Winters, for the first time, don't symbolize loneliness. There is fun in planning everything. Cheers to a changed state of mind. It's all in the mind, they say. So be it.

Anyway, going back to where I left Mithya - she was not like Anayra. She would take her own decisions in life and not wait for destiny or anybody else to make or break her. She did not believe anything was impossible if you had a desperate will to do it. It was easier to say NO than to find a way and persistently follow it. She was an optimist - a die-hard optimist. There was nothing that was impossible except her emotions within.
And so she decided. It was time, she moved on in life. It was time, she decided her fate. It was time, she brought back her sensibleness and choose between a painful life, full of anticipation and a peaceful life, satisfying the needs of the worlds around her. She had given all that she could in so many years now. It was time for tests - for the others involved to show how committed they were in the relationship. The one who won, would take it all.
It pained her to see her fears turning into reality, but at the same time, she was proud of the fact that she judged people right. She knew it was all fake, and not meant to be. People. Not everybody had the sensibility of owning up a relation, that was not socially accepted and committed. Not everybody could live up to committments made in isolation, between two hearts with undying passion. To stand up in front of others, you needed much more than just love....
...and people could not survive on 'love' alone....


Anonymous said...

From the tone of your post, would I be right in assuming that your meetings on sat n sun ended on a positive note for everyone involved?

Anonymous said...

Define Mithya's age.

That was it... said...

First thing - don't relate my posts with my real life. I am not Mithya. Second thing, don't ask any personal questions on the blog - this is only a platform for me to write. Everything I write is not a real-life-scenario.

Mithya's age - take it whatever you wish to.