Sunday, September 17, 2006

The GB&U tales

The title of my post makes me wonder what made me write that title - the state of mind that we have been off late - nothing could really describe it better than this - the good, bad, and ugly. Relationships have always been a mix of these - and when the bonding gets closer, it brings with it, moments of jealousy, possessiveness, anger, and hatred for the ones you love the most.
Weekend has been an eventful one - with so many different emotions passing by in all three of us - reactions varying from laughing to irritation to crying (I still have been the bravest of all, not shedding tears - you know, it just ain't my way of expressing! eh!). We have been together for almost 8-9 years now - from those young days when we all had boyfriends to show off until now when we are moms, we shared the same room for years, shared clothes, beers, shoes, borrowed money from one another, got involved in life's all major decisions, journeyed through sadness and happy moments, just being there for granted all the time. Was it this "taking for granted" thought or the "fact" that we have become selfish now that we have our own life too, minus each other - whatever, but things haven't been right for long now. This weekend, it aggravated to a point where I gave up. I was surprised at the way things were shaping up - each one not trying to understand the other one. We did not stretch it further because we thought it might lead to another disgustful moment, but it really made me think if we do think about the other person at all and his/her point of view.
I need to introspect - I don't know if she is a little over-sensitive or if I am not being able to understand her point of view. She says I reacted when she did not speak for 4 hours, and did I ever think what she would go through when I did not speak to her for 2 months. Well, I cared enough to get bogged down by her silence. Maybe she didn't. Understand or forget about it. Friendship is all about the good, bad, and the ugly. Guess, it it time for some ugly moments - we will sail through. I know for sure.